Let me be clear, this is not a retraction.

I might have come across a little rough about my muvver a couple of days ago, and possibly may have exaggerated a mite about the severity of her affliction…but in my cringing defence, I gave her full editorial control before posting. She not only okay’d it, but also chortled happily at my elaboration…and then shared it on Facebook.

Phew! Now I know how traumatised Rupert Murdoch felt when he had to apologise to Jeremy Corbyn on the front page of The S*n!

While we all contemplate awkwardly whether I’ve just sold out my writing to avoid my first hint of familial confrontation, let’s go the whole controversial hog and talk about weed. (The smoking kind, not the common garden variety…or the ‘you’re a pussy for feeling you have to justify yourself kind.’)

Actually bollocks, we’ll talk about cannabis next time.

The strongest critique I’ve currently received about the hoarding blog has been from my brother, who said it was a bit close in parts, but on the whole he found it funny too.

So, why is my self esteem so low that I’m hung up on defending my actions?

They’re my siblings, and believe me, when I was a kid I never gave two ‘oots about offending them. After an initial spat which probably lasted the whole of five minutes, we’d sit down with a biscuit and watch Neighbours.

This isn’t even about sibling criticism, rivalry, or banter. Compared to others I have an awesome relationship with my brothers and sister.

Like this outstanding blog, the confidence issue is all about ‘moi.’

It has never been my goal to offend, upset or alienate anyone, no malice has ever been intended. And yet, in this digital age, with so many varied users, I don’t think that ambition will ever be fully realised. Like Socrates said to Aristotle, ‘Plato can please some of the people all of the time, he can please all of the people some of the time, but he can’t please all of the people all of the time’…or was it Lydgate who said that? Huh…I’ll look it up and get back to you.

So, do I pack my blog away and say it’s too ‘ard?

Coz I am, at some point in my wittiest prose, gonna fuck someone right off.

Do I go the full narcissistic ‘every word I write is pure gold?’

Orrr…do I give you fair warning that I have little to no filter on my verbal diarrhoea? I will one day offend you, but you might also find diamonds in that there slurry too.

Glue gun